Emma Isaac

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For You

Endless time stands ahead, eager to pull us forward
Who you are does not matter
You are perfect in every way
You will get better day by day
Any moment you ponder your growth
Will give you pause, much needed
As you realize that you aren’t what was
Who you are now is someone amazing
A person who can change worlds just by thinking
You are not the person you once were
But you’re the one you want to be
I see you now, loving me, being free
Who is that person who walks alone
Who is that person who talks on the phone
You are not that person, but it is a touch of your soul
Allow your soul to take over, completely
You know you want to
You can be you all the way to your core
That’s the part that you cannot see
What a great life it is, to witness you
To witness the best of all time
The one who creates worlds
I see you my love, in the air flying with doves
Once upon a time I needed you
Now I honor the time I have been given to be with you
What must I do to influence you
I will stand firm, holding your hand
Never letting go, even after I can no longer stand
I will breathe deeply by your side
For the dear ones await and watch
Applauding and weeping with your soul
I will never lose control
You can trust me for I will never leave
I will stand firm until the end of time